So, take a good hard look at yourself and think about who or what are you following? What kind of follower are you?
Are you a follower of the world?
Are you a follower of the latest fashion trends?
Are you a follower of our society's stars and celebrities?
Are you a follower of what is acceptable or cool at school or in the work place?
Or are you a follower of Jesus Christ?
Are you a follower of those that believe in Him?
Are you a follower of the latest revelations through modern day prophets?
Are you a follower of what is acceptable and true in the sight of God?
Elder Russel M. Nelson recently said:
"We might each ask ourselves, where is our faith? Is it in a team? Is it in a brand? Is it in a celebrity? Even the best teams can fail. Celebrities can fade. There is only One in whom your faith is always safe, and that is in the Lord Jesus Christ."
We cannot afford to put our trust in things of the world. Things and people of the world fade. When we choose to follow celebrities or sports teams, our character is hollow. There is no solid foundation in who we are. Following those things only brings us temporary and shallow self worth or confidnce. We fall far below who we can be and become.
I know that when we choose to follow Jesus Christ, we become more than followers. We become "an example of the believers." We become examples of what is true, what is pure and what is good. We become examples of living in a way that will truly bring us happiness. Our character is filled with Christlike attributes like charity, compassion, patience, virtue and hope. We become people of eternal worth- not just worldy, temporary worth.
I have chosen to follow things of this world so many times in the past. I have found nothing but temporary and shallow happiness and never found inner strength or a love for myself in those things. I can testify that as I have focused my attention and desires on following Jesus Christ, I have become a person of value and a person that I am proud to be.
So, what kind of follower are you?